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Squeaky's 24V motor power supply is operational. Eureka!
I blew up the bridge rectifier that came with the bread maker so I used four 1N1004 rectifier diodes that were in the parts bin to make a diode bridge with a 1000µF cap in the middle to smooth out ripple and provide a little reserve current. My very first AC-DC power supply!
I reused the bread maker transformer which is a 24VAC with center tap. I noticed Radio Shack had a number of these for sale. I am hoping to figure out a way to do a dual output supply but for now I have the ~32VDC that I need.
The only downside is that the motor spins a bit slow, so with the additional reduction of the small rubber drive puck, the platter is spinning quite slow. That may need correcting.
Squeaky: < prev | next >
Hi Squeaky, i think you wanna do some thing, but what you are going to do exactly . . . !